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Vitamins Ueses in Dentistry

Vitamins Ueses in Dentistry

1- Vitamin – C ( Ascorbic acid )
It is a water soluble vitamin .
Very important in the formation of collagen , matrix of bone , gingiva , periodontal tissues , and blood vessels


- In case of hemorrhagic & inflammatory gum , due to vitamin - C deficiency ( scurvy gingivitis ) .

- Gingival diseases .
- Improve immunity in case of viral infection .
- Scurvy 100 mg tablet . 1 × 2 × 10 .
2- Multi – Vitamins ( Nutritional agent )
• Indications
- In major maxillofacial surgery , postoperatively .
- Malnourished patient .
- Supportive treatment in cases of viral and bacterial infection , especially with
debilitated patients .
- Anorexia .
3- B – Complex Vitamins ( B1 , B2 , B6 , B12 )
They are water-soluble vitamins .
• Indications
1- Glossitis , due to B – complex vitamins deficiency .
2- Burning mouth syndrome .
3- For nerve regeneration after surgical trauma to the nerve , neuritis and , so on .
4- Angular cheilitis , caused by B – complex vitamins deficiency .
5- B – complex vitamins are very important for oral epithelium regeneration , renewal ,
and for gingival health .
• Dosage
One tablet twice daily for one month . 1 × 2 × 30 .
5- Vitamin – A ( Retinol )

It's a fat-soluble vitamin .
• Indications in dentistry
- Adjunct treatment of hyper keratotic lesions such as leukoplakia ( Keratolytic agents ) .
- In case of vitamin – A deficiency .
- Now a day there are topical vitamin – A ( Retinol ) , used for the treatment of oral lesions .

• contraindications

- Pregnancy .
- Liver diseases .
- Renal diseases .
• For prophylactics
It is given 5000 International Unit ( I.U ) , per a day orally .
